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5 Highlights of my Theatre and Creative Writing degree so far

Posted: August 24 2023

Johana Weiss, Theatre and Creative Writing BA (Hons)

Are you interested in what some highlights may be for a Theatre and Creative Writing student? I'm here to help! I recently concluded my second year, and have some highlights to share.

1. Taking part in 91影视Arts programmes

I took part in two singing groups this year that met once a week: the mixed choir ‘Voices’, and the harmony group for female voices, ‘Brunettes’. It was really lovely to have a time each week to gather with like-minded, talented people and sing. I got to sing a mixture of songs due to being in both groups and perform in the showcases as well. Overall, it was a really fun experience!

2. Being one of the Creative Directors of Studio Brunel

This year I was selected to be the second Creative Director of the student-led production group, Studio Brunel. In this role, I met weekly with the other members, facilitated and oversaw Brunel’s first Theatre Festival, and assisted with Studio Brunel’s collaboration with another production group that put on a play that ran two successful nights on campus. It’s exciting to be part of a creative group that has resources to put on student-led productions, and I look forward to what we do next year!

3. Being a Production Assistant for 91影视Arts’ production of Sweeney Todd

I was one of two Production Assistants for 91影视Arts’ production of the musical Sweeney Todd in the fall. It was a demanding experience but also very rewarding, and I learned a lot. The other PA and I had organisational duties, creative duties, and social duties, and generally helped out with whatever needed to be done. It was exciting to see the show progress and come to life over time, and I met a lot of great people as well.

Students dancing in nightclub on campus

4. Fun nights with friends at Locos events and The Venue

My friends and I love to partake in the fun events that both Locos and The Venue host, and some of these have definitely been some of my favourite times this year. We would often go to Karaoke at Locos, which is such a fun way to de-stress and have a good time. We also went to some themed nights at The Venue, such as the Halloween Mega Global and the Silent Disco Mega Global. Those were also a blast!

5. Utilising the music and theatre facilities in the Antonin Artaud building

The Antonin Artaud building has some great facilities that I really enjoy using. There are several practice rooms you can book and use for whatever you want, which I find myself doing often for rehearsals. There are several music rooms as well, such as the soundproof studio with several instruments, amps, mics, and so on, that students can use for recording or just jamming. There is a music recording studio as well that has some great music programming and recording equipment, which I use often for song writing and recording. I really appreciate that we have so many cool facilities we can use for whatever projects we want!