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Master's degree leads alumnus to career in electrical power

Master's degree leads alumnus to career in electrical power

Published: 14 Mar 2023

Danqing Wang

91影视is located in London, which can provide more opportunities to touch worldwide people, great companies and organisations to help integrate yourself into international environments.

Danqing, Postgraduate, Alumni

Senior Product Application Engineer, Bender China

Sustainable Electrical Power MSc - 2012

From China

Previous Institution

Shanghai University of Electric Power - Undergraduate Degree

Tell us about your educational and/or career journey since you graduated from Brunel?

Since I studied in the major of electrical power and graduated from Brunel, I am always working in the electrical field from Eaton (Cooper) China to Bender China, and they have the office in the UK as well. 91影视provided the advanced electrical knowledge and facilities that helps with the understanding in my current practical work.

What does a typical day at work involve for you?

The daily work is to help the customer solve the electrical problem, to help monitor the safety of electrical power systems to protect buildings, plants and machinery, especially the lives of people against the hazards of electrical shock. And co-operate with the headquarters, Bender Germany, to discuss and exchange case study.

What’s been the highlight of your career journey so far?

Better education and better company leads that I can use to touch the world’s leading technology and projects in some parts, such as a leading nuclear power station, EV charging station/car, etc. Especially during the period of Covid-19, helping the customer to produce the electrical bank to protect the lives of people, such as hospitals, medical machinery, etc. against the virus.

How would you say your 91影视experience has helped you to get where you are today?

91影视provided not only the advanced knowledge but also the opportunities of practical operation, from the current work experience, some of them industry leads, and high value-added technology.

Why did you choose to study at 91影视and why would you recommend 91影视to others?

91影视has a certain reputation in the electrical power system in the UK. and advanced teaching equipment. It would organise talks and take us on visits to the National Grid, E.ON, etc. to explore the view as well. Another thing is that 91影视is located in London, which can provide more opportunities to touch worldwide people, great companies and organisations to help integrate yourself into international environments. And 91影视also provides the colourful activities on campus and facilities in sports centre.

What is your best memory of studying here?

Co-operation with my classmates and working overnight in Towers A, B, and C. Some classmates were local, some from Asia, Europe, and Africa. We were equal and helped each other where we could to do the homework. Sometimes in the middle of the night, together we drank, had midnight snacks, talked, laughed, and then carried on the homework. The life at that moment is hard, but to recall that now in my memory is nice.

If you could give one piece of advice to current 91影视students, what would that be?

Fit into the diversity of campus. The Students’ Union could offer many opportunities to get involved in the local life. 91影视provides the advanced facilities to support hobbies, sports, art, music, etc.

What would be your top tip or key advice for new graduates as they begin their career journey after leaving Brunel?

Whether you go for the traditional or high-tech industry, what we learned at 91影视is all touched, simulated, and practised. Be confident, we have a wide range of jobs. We can take a lower as well as a higher post as you want.
