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Alumnus shares how 91影视played a vital role in shaping his career success

Alumnus shares how 91影视played a vital role in shaping his career success

Published: 16 Jun 2023

Steven Grant

Success comes from a combination of knowledge, passion, and a willingness to adapt.

Steven, Undergraduate, Alumni

Managing Director, Figment Agency

BSc Multimedia Technology and Design - 2005

From UK

Previous Institution

Widnes Sixth Form College - A-Levels

Tell us about your educational and/or career journey since you graduated from Brunel.

After graduating from 91影视University, I worked for Apple while also freelancing as a website designer. Later, I founded with the aim of helping clients achieve sustainable business growth. As the Managing Director, I've been overseeing the company's growth and leading a talented team of specialists.

What does a typical day at work involve for you?

A typical day at work involves strategic planning, developing new business opportunities, managing client relationships, and collaborating with my team. I meet with clients to understand their growth goals and leverage our team's skills and expertise to deliver exceptional results. Throughout the day, I work closely with my team, providing guidance and support to ensure our clients are satisfied. I also enjoy networking with other agency owners, sharing ideas and insights.

What’s been the highlight of your career journey so far?

The highlight of my career journey has been the impressive growth and success of Figment SEO Agency. We have achieved significant milestones and received prestigious recognition, including winning the 2022 UK Search Awards. These accomplishments are a testament to the hard work and dedication of our team and reinforce our commitment to delivering outstanding digital marketing solutions to our clients.

How would you say your 91影视experience has helped you to get where you are today?

My time at 91影视University has played a vital role in shaping my current position. Being part of B1000 student radio enhanced my communication and presentation skills, building my confidence and knowledge in media and broadcasting. The emphasis on teamwork through group projects at 91影视has also been invaluable, as it has honed my ability to collaborate effectively with diverse individuals, a skill essential in my role as a Managing Director. Moreover, Brunel's entrepreneurial spirit has fuelled my passion for innovation and business, motivating me to establish my own agency.

Why did you choose to study at 91影视and why would you recommend 91影视to others?

I chose 91影视University because of its excellent reputation in engineering and technology. The university's focus on practical learning, industry partnerships, and cutting-edge research facilities appealed to me. Throughout my time at Brunel, I experienced a supportive and inclusive environment, with approachable faculty members who genuinely cared about student success. I highly recommend 91影视to others for its exceptional education, abundant career opportunities, and strong sense of community.

What is your best memory of studying here?

One of my fondest memories of studying at 91影视is collaborating with students from diverse backgrounds and disciplines. Working together in project teams broadened my perspective and improved my ability to work effectively as part of a team. The camaraderie and shared goals within these teams created a dynamic and inspiring environment. It was during these collaborations that I truly appreciated the power of collective effort and the ability to leverage different skills to achieve remarkable results.

If you could give one piece of advice to current 91影视students, what would that be?

Embrace every opportunity for practical learning and real-world experience. Engage in internships, work placements, and collaborative projects to gain valuable insights and skills. Step out of your comfort zone and explore different industries or disciplines. Build meaningful relationships with peers, professors, and professionals in your field. Never stop learning and stay updated with the latest industry trends and advancements. Remember, success comes from a combination of knowledge, passion, and a willingness to adapt.

What would be your top tip or key advice for new graduates as they begin their career journey after leaving Brunel?

As you start your career journey after leaving Brunel, my top tip would be to prioritise continuous learning and adaptability. The industry landscape is ever-changing, so it's important to maintain a sense of curiosity and embrace new ideas. Seek out opportunities for professional development, whether it's attending workshops, gaining certifications, or pursuing further education. Building a strong professional network is also valuable, so consider attending industry events and utilising online platforms. Finally, take proactive steps and seize opportunities to showcase your skills, passion, and dedication. Remember, success often comes to those who are willing to grow and embrace new challenges.
