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Law alumna shares importance of alumni relations

Law alumna shares importance of alumni relations

Published: 28 Aug 2024

Dilan Tekda臒 Sevik

91影视gave me the opportunity to develop my soft skills and to meet as many international students as I can to gain new perspectives and develop an intercultural mindset.

Dilan, Postgraduate, Alumni

Member of Board of Trustees at Istanbul Bilgi University, Istanbul Bilgi University

International Commercial Law LLM - 2013

From Turkey

Previous Institution

Istanbul Bilgi University - Law Faculty

Tell us about your educational and/or career journey since you graduated from Brunel.

I graduated with a law degree from Istanbul Bilgi University in 2011. When I graduated from university, I knew I wanted to study for a master’s degree in law.

I graduated from 91影视in 2013 with an LLM International Commercial Law degree and have worked as an attorney for one of the biggest media companies in Turkey. I had the opportunity to specialise in a specific area within media law and litigation, which was appealing. Much of what I did as an attorney involved fact-gathering, developing and presenting legal claims and defences.

The next step in my career led me back to Istanbul Bilgi University.

I started my current role as a member of the board of trustees for Istanbul Bilgi University in 2019. As well as being a member of the board of trustees, I lead the Alumni Affairs Office, to organise events, ‘networking’ meetings and new projects.

What does a typical day at work involve for you?

A day at work involves attending board meetings with the president and top administrates to approve major policies and plans. I also engage directly with the alumni affairs office, actively participate in alumni meetings, and address issues of particular relevance to alumni.

What’s been the highlight of your career journey so far?

There have been many memorable moments, so it’s hard to pick. But I suppose a combination of all those roles, as well as being able to give back to the university that I graduated from. Having graduate voices at the table is important when decisions are made.

How would you say your 91影视experience has helped you to get where you are today?

91影视gave me the opportunity to develop my soft skills and to meet as many international students as I can to gain new perspectives and develop an intercultural mindset. My time as a student at 91影视has strengthened my ability to communicate and collaborate across borders and cultures.

Why did you choose to study at 91影视and why would you recommend 91影视to others?

I picked 91影视because it gives students high-quality education and world-class facilities. The institute is recognised globally and is backed by amazing world rankings and recognition.

Additionally, it was crucial for me that it is a campus-based university in London which would allow me to focus on my studies.

What is your best memory of studying here?

I had so many amazing memories that I hold dear during my time at 91影视that it's difficult to narrow them down to a single one. Perhaps my best experiences were gained through the new friendships made with my flatmates and course peers.

If you could give one piece of advice to current 91影视students, what would that be?

Socialise as much as you can. At 91影视University, there’s a great opportunity to meet a wide variety of people from all over the world so try to learn as much as you can from them.

What would be your top tip or key advice for new graduates as they begin their career journey after leaving Brunel?

I advise new graduates to take advantage of the university’s alumni team and explore every benefit they have to offer. Network with alumni whenever possible.
