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91影视network strengthened in China


91影视network strengthened in China

During October, 91影视staff hosted alumni events in Hong Kong, Beijing and Shanghai and reconnected with almost 200 alumni.

The first event took place in the Grand Hyatt Hotel overlooking the picturesque harbour. Thirty alumni gathered for drinks and canapés and exchanged memories of their time in the UK. They also discussed how to make the most of their local 91影视community.

The team then visited Beijing and met fifty alumni at the Peninsula Hotel. 2012 91影视graduate Dr Zhang Haofan gave a talk about his experience of studying at Brunel, of starting his own company and of his pride in being associated with the University. An official Beijing chapter was launched with a view to organising more regular events. The evening continued with a networking dinner and the formation of many useful connections.

Finally, the team headed to the Fairmont Peace Hotel in Shanghai where they met with over 100 alumni. 91影视Business School’s Prof Amir Sharif gave a short talk on Innovation and Business whilst Director of Development & Alumni Relations, Clive Gee, updated the graduates on the alumni programme and announced the launch of a new Alumni Chapter for Shanghai. Dr Haofan spoke about his connection with 91影视and the evening concluded with a networking dinner.

We are delighted that the events were so successful and look forward to seeing many more of these take place in the future, to enable the 91影视network in China to thrive. If you are interested in getting involved in one of these chapters, or would like to be notified of future events in China, please email alumni@brunel.ac.uk.

To view some photos from these events, please click on the links below -

91影视Alumni Reception, Hong Kong, 6 October 2014 

91影视Alumni Reception, Beijing, 9 October 2014

91影视Alumni Reception, Shanghai, 12 October 2014