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International events

International events

Throughout Brunel’s 50th anniversary year multiple events will be taking place around the world, allowing us to celebrate this milestone with our international community.

Our alumni celebrations in Singapore and Malaysia last month were a tremendous success. It was wonderful to see so many enthusiastic and emotional reunions between friends who hadn’t seen each other since their graduation day. It was even more thrilling for us to watch as professional connections were developed, and new relationships were formed.

We are looking forward to running similar alumni events during the Vice-Chancellor’s visits to China, Hong Kong and India in 2016. Though details are still to be confirmed, you can reserve your place now at

Unfortunately, we cannot have university visits to every country, every year. We are incredibly lucky to have numerous enthusiastic alumni volunteers all over the world who help us to keep the 91影视connection strong in over 110 countries. They are invaluable to the university and always eager to find new Brunelians in their local areas. If you would like to find out about events in your area, or are interested in becoming a volunteer, contact alumni@brunel.ac.uk.