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Professor Maozhen Li
Vice-Dean of the NCUT TNE programme/Professor

Howell Building 237

Research area(s)

High Performance Computing

  • MPI, Grid computing, Cloud computing

Big Data Analytics

  • Data intensive applications with MapReduce/Hadoop
  • smart grids, spam filtering, image annotation, information retrieval, financial risk management

Knowledge and Data Engineering

  • Context aware mobile computing, knowledge discovery with rough sets, Semantic Web, ontology alignment

Data Mining and Machine Learning

  • Deep learning for human re-dientification based on walking patterns
  • Mobile sensing for large scale urban air quality estimation, which explores real-time and fine-grained air quality information (PM2.5, PM10, SO2) throughout a city, based on the (historical and real-time) air quality data reported by constructing large-scale mobile sensing nodes (e.g. low-cost sensors) and a variety of data sources observed in the city, such as meteorology, traffic flow, structure of road networks, and point of interests (POIs).

Research grants and projects

Research Projects


Differential Geometry and Deep Learning for Dynamic Facial Expression Analysis
Funder: Royal Society
Duration: March 2017 - March 2019
Differential Geometry and Deep Learning for Dynamic Facial Expression Analysis
Funder: Royal Society
Duration: March 2017 - March 2019

Research exchange with China

Enabling a More Reliable Smart Grid with Big Data Analytics
Funder: Royal Society
Duration: March 2016 - March 2018

Project details

  • PI, £458K, Industry Funding, Video Data Driven AI for Enhancing Operation Safety in Smart Manufacturing, Oct. 2020 – Sept. 2023, in collaboration with Shandong East Engineering Tools Limited, China (A research project looking at high performance real-time deep learning algorithms for abnormal operation detection and classification).
  • CI, £195K, Innovate UK, KTP Project in Collaboration with HAES Systems Limited, Real Time Communication for Resilient Fire Alarm Systems, March 2019 – Feb 2021.
  • CI, €730K, EU Horizon 2020, Z-BRE4K - Strategies and Predictive Maintenance models wrapped around physical systems for Zero-unexpected-Breakdowns and increased operating life of Factories (Project ID: 768869), October 2017 – March 2021 (17 partners) (A multidisciplinary project looking at large scale predictive models for smart manufacturing).
  • CI, €680K, EU Horizon 2020, IoRL, Internet of Radio-Light (Project ID: 761992), June 2017 – May 2020 (20 partners) (A multidisciplinary project looking at cloud computing and software defined networking for wireless communication in smart buildings empowered by lights).
  • CI, €700K, EU Horizon 2020, TDX-ASSIST: Coordination of Transmission and Distribution data eXchanges for renewables integration in the European marketplace through Advanced, Scalable and Secure ICT Systems and Tools (Project ID: 774500), October 2017 – September 2020 (12 partners) (A multidisciplinary project looking at big data analytics mainly on data variety and veracity of smart power networks).