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Integrally Bladed Rotor - (IBR) - Abrasive Flow Machining

Funder: NATEP
Duration: January 2016 - June 2017


Name Telephone Email Office
Professor Kai Cheng Professor Kai Cheng
(Principal investigator)
T: +44 (0)1895 267255
E: kai.cheng@brunel.ac.uk
+44 (0)1895 267255 kai.cheng@brunel.ac.uk Tower A 208


Shao, Y. and Cheng, K. (2019) ''. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 105 (11). pp. 4571 - 4583. ISSN: 0268-3768

Journal article

Cheng, K., Shao, Y., Bodenhorst, R. and Jadva, M. (2017) ''. Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Transactions of the ASME, 139 (12). pp. 1 - 8. ISSN: 1087-1357

Journal article