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The Health and Sport Engagement Project

Funder: Sport England
Duration: March 2013 - April 2017

Complex community sport intervention and evaluaton


Name Telephone Email Office
Professor Louise Mansfield Professor Louise Mansfield
Vice Dean Research / Professor - Sport, Health and Social Sciences
(Principal investigator)
T: +44 (0)1895 267561
E: louise.mansfield@brunel.ac.uk
+44 (0)1895 267561 louise.mansfield@brunel.ac.uk Heinz Wolff 210


Mansfield, L. (2020) ''. Annals of leisure research, 24 (3). pp. 283 - 294. ISSN: 1174-5398

Journal article

Mansfield, L., Kay, T., Anokye, N. and Fox-Rushby, J. (2019) ''. Frontiers in Sociology, 4. pp. 5. ISSN: 2297-7775

Journal article

Anokye, N., Mansfield, L., Kay, T., Sanghera, S., Lewin, A. and Fox-Rushby, J. (2018) ''. BMJ Open, 8 (12). pp. e024132 - e024132. ISSN: 2044-6055

Journal article

Mansfield, L., Kay, T., Anokye, N. and Fox-Rushby, J. (2018) ''. BMC Public Health, 18 (1). pp. 1196. ISSN: 1471-2458

Journal article

Mansfield, L. (2017) ''. International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, 8 (4). pp. 533 - 537. ISSN: 1940-6959

Journal article

Anokye, N., Sanghera, S., Mansfield, L., Kay, T. and Fox-Rushby, J. (2016) 'HASE Report Volume 2: Providing HASE community sport – a cost analysis'.


Mansfield, L. and Kay, T. (2016) 'Compromised? Co-production of knowledge in community sport for public health partnerships.'.North American Sociology of Sport Association Annual Conference: Publicly Engaged Sociology of Sport. Tampa, Florida USA. [unpublished]

Conference paper

Mansfield, L. (2016) ''. International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, 8 (4). pp. 713 - 729. ISSN: 1940-6959

Journal article

Mansfield, L., Kay, T., Anokye, N. and Fox-Rushby, J. (2016) 'HASE Report Volume 1: Evaluation of the Design and Delivery of the HASE project'.


Mansfield, L., Kay, T., ANOKYE, N. and FOX-RUSHBY, J. (2016) 'The Health and Sport Engagement (HASE) Project: reaching and engaging inactive people in community sport to increase levels of physical activity.'.HEPA Europe Conference. Besfast. [unpublished]

Conference paper

Mansfield, L., Kay, T., Anokye, N. and Fox-Rushby, J. (2016) 'Turning Evidence into Impact in a Collaborative Partnership Project'.FUSE Internation Conference. Newcastle, UK. [unpublished]

Conference paper

Mansfield, L. (2016) 'Sport, Health and Wellbeing: Politics and Research-Practice-Policy Partnerships.'.Political Studies Association (Sport and Politics) Annual Conference, Sport and Social Justice. Bournemouth, UK. [unpublished]

Conference paper

Mansfield, L. (2015) 'Narratives of Inactivity: Personal Lives, Political Problems and Physical Activity for Public Health'.Political Studies Associated (Sport) Annual Conference - Sport, Politics and Social Policy. Durham University. [unpublished]

Conference paper