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Our research focus


There is a strong focus on socio-personal care and the impact of teaching and management on staff and student wellbeing. We have research interests in leadership and management in HE, particularly on compassionate leadership and the use of coaching and mentoring as tools to increase staff and student wellbeing. Community building and the role of positive relationship in HE is considered in relation to student satisfaction, staff wellbeing and efficacy, and management in HE.

Widening participation

Another key area of expertise for BERGH is inclusive education and widening participation. There are research projects on the lived experience of students identifying as black and minority ethnic, feeding into better tailored support for these students, as well as on attrition and induction – moments in which students are particularly vulnerable. We have practical and academic knowledge of the integration of and a relationships between undergraduates studies and apprenticeships.

Social fairness

As well as considering students in inclusive education, the group has research interests in how praxis impacts on creating a more inclusive and accessible educational institution; we have specialisms in building structure to support self-reflective practice and in the use of reflective practice as a tool for social justice. On an international level, this interest in social fairness and improvement is seen in projects on public management and healthcare reform in emerging economies; our passion for inclusivity and fairness is visible at school-, sector-, national- and international level research.

Accountancy and accountability

The final significant area of expertise within the group is in professional accountancy practice and the teaching and learning of accountancy. Many of our members are practicing accountants with varied professional membership and accreditation, and combine their professional and research skills to great effect. Research is being undertaken in the role of academic research in informing work-based practice, in the business consultancy skills of academics, in taxation and e-learning, and in public sector accountancy and accountability.