
Review Extranet Classic content

This dashboard lists the most outdated content to prioritise reviewing for Classic pages on www.brunel.ac.uk. Please be patient as the dashboard loads a large volume of content. Please review and republish content that was published before six months. Drill down to any microsite or section (e.g. /life/accommodation) using the path/URL filter below. The results can also be can be filtered by type. Twenty items are shown at a time and more can be viewed via the pagination at the bottom. The option to view all results may be useful for reviewing the website structure by viewing all the page paths. Click the title to view the page or 'edit' in the CMS.

Shortcuts: Study Campus life Research Global Business services News and Events Alumni 91Ó°ÊÓ

per page

Found 785 items

Modified Published Title Path Type Edit
12/06/2024 16:29:28 12/06/2024 16:31:26 BANK HOLIDAY - NO CLASSES /life/get-involved/brunel-arts/assets/weekly-classes/bank-holiday-notice-may-summer-2024 ArtsCentreWeeklyClass
16/07/2024 09:11:13 15/07/2024 20:39:57 Open Research Working Group /life/library/orr/orwg GenericPage
20/08/2024 18:13:41 18/07/2024 14:06:56 Personal tutors /life/study-support/personal-tutors GenericPage
08/08/2024 11:50:06 29/07/2024 11:28:17 Information for Needs Assessors /life/supporting-you/disability-and-dyslexia/information-for-needs-assessors GenericPage
17/09/2024 10:34:44 11/09/2024 04:54:54 Open access and rights retention /life/library/orr/open-access-and-rights-retention GenericPage