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Managing lists of links

Managing lists of links

Some profile pages will have a list of links that you can manage, some profiles will also have a list of links that appear in the top portion of their profile and appear on all pages:


When editing your profile you may see the following 'Add' option in some template pages:


Clicking this will show you the add link dialog:


Enter the text for the link in the 'Link title' text box and put the URL in the 'Link URL' text box.

If you enter an invalid URL in the text box then you will receive the error message: "You must enter a properly formatted link, eg http://www.brunel.ac.uk/", please check and make sure you are putting the URL in correctly.

A newly added link will appear with a plus to the right of it:


When you next save your changes, the link will be saved and added to your profile.

Editing a link

To edit a link simply click on the link and the 'Update link' dialog will appear, be sure not to click on the cross to the right of the link:



Make your changes to the link title and/or the URL and then click 'Update'.

Your changes will be saved the next time you click the 'Save Changes' button.

Deleting a link

Find the link you want to remove and click on the cross to the left of the title:


You will get a pop up message from the web site asking you to confirm you want to delete the link, click 'OK' to delete the link.

When a link is marked for deletion it will appear with a line through it:


When you next save your changes, the link will be deleted and removed from your profile.

Reordering a list of links

To change the order of links simply hover on the links until the cursor changes to a cross hair and then drag and drop the links to change the order


When you next save your changes the list of links will be re-ordered on your profile.