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Our Targets

Brunel’s Access and Participation Plan 2020/21 sets out how we will continue our valuable work with the community at large whilst re-doubling our efforts on the activities that will provide even better outcomes and success for our students in future years.

This plan contains nine targets to be achieved by 2024/25 based on a comprehensive analysis of current performance. Progress against these targets will be monitored and regulated by the Office for Students.


Aim: To increase the entry rates of students from underrepresented groups to higher education. 


  • Increase the number of POLAR Q1 and Q2 entrants by 50% to a level of 17.7% of the intake each year.
  • Double the number of mature (aged 21 or over on entry) entrants to 17% of the intake each year.
  • Two-thirds of participants of our Urban Scholars programme to meet or exceed their GCSE Maths and English targets.


Aim: To reduce the  (commonly known as 'drop-out rates') and attainment gaps between students from underrepresented groups.


  • To eliminate any differences in continuation between young and mature students.
  • Halve the four-year rolling attrition rates for Care Leavers to 9.6%.
  • Halve the attainment gap between White and Black students.
  • Halve the attainment gap between White and Asian students.


Aim: To improve the rates of progression of students from underrepresented groups into graduate-level employment or further study, and to reduce the gaps between these groups and other students.


  • Halve the gap in progression to higher level study or professional employment between White and Black, Asian and Minority Ethnicity students.
  • Halve the gap in progression to higher level study or professional employment between students from the most deprived areas and least deprived areas.