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Dr Asress Gikay
Senior Lecturer in AI, Disruptive Innovation and Law

Elliott Jaques 008

Membership and affiliation

Center for AI: Social and Digital Innovation, 91影视University London.

Media interests

Asress Gikay's work has been widely cited by academics and media platforms including , ,  and many others. He has also been invited to debate the regulation of facial recognition technology in the UK on. He contributes to several media platforms including ,  and  on various current topics involving AI, facial recognition, and data protection. His recent publications relevant to his media engagement are the following: 

  • BBC Interview on the regulation of facial recogntion in policing: 
  • Where EU efforts to regulate AI fall short(EU Observer, September 13, 2024), .

  • Facial recognition helps fight serious crimes but, for UK minor offences it should be off limits (The Guardian, December 24, 2023), 

  • UK police’s use of facial recognition tech: Why opponents struggle in their fight to stop it(Policing Insight, December 15, 2023), .
  • Do not ban but regulate police use of live facial recognition: Here is why and how(Policing Insight, 29 August 2023), .
  • Using live facial recognition to tackle retail crime in the UK: What does the law say?(Policing Insight, 7 August 2023), .
  • How the UK is getting AI regulation right(The Conversation UK, June 8 2023), .
  • Facial recognition: why we shouldn’t ban the police from using it altogether (The Conversation UK, November 4 2022), .
  • On Facial Recognition Technology in Schools, Power Imbalance and Consent: European Data Protection Authorities Should Re-examine their Approach (EU Law Analysis, Dec. 20, 2021), . 
  • Cookies: I looked at 50 well-known websites and most are gathering our data illegally (The Conversation UK, Feb. 7, 2022), .
  • Consent and Cookies in EU Data Privacy Law— Two Clicks are Too Many(EU Law Analysis, Jan. 3, 2022), .