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Dr Nadine Aburumman
Lecturer in Computer Science


I have been nominated for the Lecturer of the Year Award at the Student Led Awards 2024 ().

Teaching areas

  • Computer Graphics
  • Computer Vision and Machine Learning
  • Digital Image Processing
  • Computer Games
  • Advanced Graphics and Animation
  • Virtual, Augmented, and Mixed Reality
  • Computational Arts
  • Real-time Physics for Interactive Graphics
  • AI and Robotics

PG Modules:

  • Module leader - MG5707- AI Technologies for Decision Makers (Level: Postgraduate).  
  • MSc dissertation supervision: CS5500 - MSc Dissertation (Level: Postgraduate- Supervision).

UG Modules:

  • Interim module leader for (Level: Undergraduate) CS1005 - Logic and Computation (March-August, 2022).
  • Partial duties/Co-teaching: in (Level: Undergraduate) - CS3005 – Digital Media and Games - CS3001/CS3606 – Advanced Topics in Computer Science (Mixed Reality) - CS2001 – (Level: Undergraduate) Level 2 Group Project - CS3009 – Human Computer Interaction (Term 1, Academic year 2020/2021)
  • Final Year Project (FYP) supervision: CS3072/CS3605 – (Level: Undergraduate - Supervision) Level 3/ Final Year Projects (FYP) [
  • Placement supervision: CS2555 – (Level: Undergraduate - supervision) Work Placement (ISC - thick)
  • Tutoring Level 1: CS1701 – (Level: Undergraduate - supervision) Level 1 Group Project (team) []
  • Tutoring Level 2: CS2001 – (Level: Undergraduate - supervision) Level 2 Group Project (team)
  • Module reviewer: CS3607 – (Level: Undergraduate) e-Business

Undergraduate/Graduate Supervision

  • Nadine supervised more than 112 undergraduate students at 91影视(40 FYPs, 46 Level 2 Group Project, 18 Level 1 Group Project, and 8 Work Placement students).
  • Nadine's student Mariama Kebbeh Suko won the 2021 British Computer Society (BCS) prize for her FYP dissertation (VividlyARTeaching African & Black History with AR), a demo of Mariam's project can be found .
  • Brandon Michael's work on Exploring Language Pedagogy with Virtual Reality and Artificial Intelligence (FYP) has been accepted for publication at the 41st Computer Graphics & Visual Computing Conference (CGVC) 2023. Brandon's paper can be found ().
  • Nadine supervised more than 16 MSc successful dissertations (10 dissertations at Brunel) between Computer Graphics, AI, and Data Analysis students, and (6 dissertations at UCL, UK, and IRIT, France). She marked in total 25 MSc dissertations.

Summer Internship Supervision

  • Vasily Bochagov (1st July - 30th August 2022) EduVR: A WebVR Interaction Environment for Remote Collaboration. A demo can be found .

  • Rozerin Baran (1st July - 31st July 2023) Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI project): Be Brunel: School Outreach Kits.