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Professor Paul Sermon
Honorary Professor - CEDPS Mechanical

QDNT 018

  • Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering


Professor Paul A. Sermon was born in Caversham in 1945. He was educated at Westminster City School, Bangor University and University of Bristol (PhD, DSc). He was Professor of Physical Chemistry at the University of Surrey, where his research concentrated on bottom-up nanotechnological routes to catalysts, sensors and biofuels, until the autumn of 2010. He then became Professor of Nanomaterials at the Wolfson Materials Processing Centre in 2011. His research is now focused in nanomaterials and biomimetic nanomaterials with useful forensic, catalytic and photocatalytic properties. This research is supported by Government Agencies and the Royal Society. On Thursday 10th November 2011 at a dinner at the Royal Society, it was announced that he was a recipient of a Royal Society Brian Mercer Feasibility Award.