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Professor Peggy Froerer
Professor of Anthropology

Marie Jahoda 224

  • Anthropology
  • Social Science and Communications

Research supervision

First supervisor:

  • Katrina Lacey: Home schooling cultures in London (expected submission 2028)
  • Bandana Adhikari: Understanding hidden curriculum of the Nepalese education system (expected submission 2027)
  • Paul Thung: Changing “mindsets” and managing visibility: nature conservation as a form of social mediation in Indonesian Borneo (awarded 2023)
  • Tanyel Oktar: Schooling and Deaf/deaf Identity in London (awarded 2018)
  • Harold Herrewegh: Bureaucracy, Power, and Conflict: The Politics of Managing a Transcultural Community Mental Healthcare Clinic in the Netherlands (MPhil awarded 2017)
  • Nicole Hoellerer: Community in Refugee Settlement: An Ethnographic Exploration of Bhutanese Refugees in Manchester, UK (awarded 2016)
  • Benjamin Bowles: Water Ways: Becoming and Itinerant Boat-Dweller on the Canals and Rivers of South-East England (awarded 2015)
  • Adam Connelly The Home in the Mountains: Imagining a School and Schooling Imaginaries in Darjeeling, India (awarded 2013)
  • Ditte Sass: ‘Being’ and ‘Becoming’ a Welfare Citizen in the Danish Folkeskole (awarded 2012)
  • Nurul Bhuiyan: Creating ‘Good Muslims’: Qawmi Madrasa Schooling in a Rural Town of Bangladesh (awarded 2011)

Second Supervisor

  • Nieke Monika Kulsum: The Impact of Digital Messaging on Waste Management and Plastic Pollution in Low-income Coastal Communities in Indonesia (expected submission 2024)
  • Laura Batatota: Shaping the Future: Forming Aspirations of a Post-War Generation in Sri Lanka (awarded 2020).
  • Eva Luksaite: The Intimate State: Female Sterilisation, Reproductive Agency and Operable Bodies in Rural North India (awarded 2016);
  • Sharon Attard: Banishing the Abject: Constituting Oppositional Relationships in a Maltese Harbour Town (awarded 2013)

External Supervisor

  • Rashmi Kumari (Rutgers University): Education and activism amongst marginalised adivasi youth in central India (expected submission 2024)
  • Sahib Singh (UCL): Dispossession politics: adivasis and the state in central India (expected submission 2025)