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Dr Victor Ladron de Guevara
Senior Lecturer in Theatre

Gaskell 104

  • Theatre
  • Theatre, Music and Film/TV

Research area(s)

  • Intercultural Performance Practices
  • Uses and Understandings of Bodies in Performance
  • Acting Training
  • Performance of Identity

Research Interests

The key aspect of my research is the study of the way in which bodies are used and understood in performance. I am particularly interested in exploring that phenomena in relation to Acting Training Systems, Methods and Approaches (both Western and non-Western), in the establishment and development of intercultural theatre practices, and in the performance of identity in cultural and theatrical events. 

As a scholar, I pursue research both through Practice-as-Research as well as desk-based methods. My current project Completing the Marathon is a PaR project which will generate both written and practical outputs. As such, I have a keen interest in projects which look for innovative ways to interrelate theory and practice.