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Dr Wayne Lam
Operations Manager

Bragg 013


Wayne graduated in Materials Engineering from the University of Bath and went on to complete an MSc in Environmental Science. He worked for the International Tin Research Institute for over 20 years, during which time he completed a PhD in tin alloy coatings. As part of the Institute's evolution, Wayne oversaw the laboratory group's commercial testing activities, working on over 10,000 consultancy contracts and authored over 2,000 technical reports.

In Jan 2023, Wayne joined the Experimental Techniques Centre at 91影视University as its Business Operations Manager.


To promote the visibility and profile of the ETC across both the university and industry in order to drive more work into the labs and increase overall utilisation of the kit and equipment. The intention is to ensure smooth running of the facility and a high level of satisfaction from all our users and customers!


Liu, H., Tinsley, T., Lam, W., Addepalli, S., Liu, X., Starr, A. and Zhao, Y. (2020) 'A Novel Inspection Technique for Electronic Components Using Therography (NITECT)' Sensors 2020, 20(17), 5013 

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