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Research areas

The Centre builds on the track record of its founding members in endocrine disruptor research, combined chemical exposures and predictive toxicology to deepen and broaden its research. Much of this work is currently supported by EU grants such as HBM4EU, ATHLETE, ATHENA, and GOLIATH (until 2023 – 2024). 

Main research focus

The Centre focuses on the following research areas:

  • Predictive approaches in toxicology, including combined chemical exposures (“cocktail effects”) and the development of new frameworks for non-animal approaches for predicting toxicity
  • Endocrine disruptor research with an emphasis on mechanisms of disease and test method development
  • Pollution monitoring, clean-up technologies and chemical analytics
  • Wildlife and human population health as affected by exposure to environmental chemicals
  • Evidence synthesis for regulatory decision making and development of new practices and policies for pollution control at different scales.

The Centre leverages the strong track record of staff in these research areas to provide solutions for critical human and planetary healthcare needs and inform industry and policy-makers.

The Centre is building up critical mass in the area of predicting the toxicity of chemicals on the basis of in vitro tests (in vitro to in vivo extrapolations) an area of key strategic importance.  We continue to increase the impact of our research by strengthening our activities in the areas of evidence synthesis, sustainability research and the development of new policies of more effective pollution control.

Interdisciplinary research 

We actively collaborate on a project exploring combined effects between radiation and chemicals with the Centre for Health Effects of Radiological and Chemical Agents. 

The Centre’s research on the effects of toxic chemicals in a variety of in vitro and in vivo models aligns well with the activities of the Centre for Inflammation Research and Translational Medicine with their exploration of models of different cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, immune cell function and cancer. 

The Centre’s work on the toxicity of plastic ingredients such as phthalates or bisphenol A interfaces well with the activities of the Sustainable PLasticS researcH (SPLaSH) group. The Centre’s work complements and underpins SPLaSH’s research interweaving behaviour change, public health protection, resource and waste management, governance aspects and sustainability design considerations. 

The predictive approaches developed by the Centre interface excellently with the Artificial Intelligence (AI) Centre on establishing and validating methods for tracking and archiving data on the fate and behaviour of various chemicals across the production-consumption-management system. It is planned to set up joint research projects with the AI Centre.

Public Lecture Series: Plastic, Pollution and the Planet – Stemming the Rising Tide


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Public Lecture Series: Plastic, Pollution and the Planet – Stemming the Rising Tide

We’ve uncovered the damaging cocktail effect of chemicals, contaminants and plastics in our society. Is there a solution to this tsunami of pollution?