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Vaccine engagement

How well has Covid-19 vaccine rollout been delivered across G7 countries?

Our in-depth policy mapping identifies a variety of policies used to encourage Covid-19 vaccination, including rules, laws and mandates; economic incentives; and measures to inform and persuade people, and improve the accessibility of the vaccine. Canada, France, Germany, and Italy used more mandates and rules, and on average 89% of people reported having at least one vaccination in these countries. Japan, the US and the UK favoured policies that informed and persuaded, and here we find 84% of people had taken at least one vaccination (based on responses over Jan-Feb 2022). 

And what do people make of the Covid vaccine? What factors are associated with hesitancy or refusal to take the vaccine?

In a representative survey of G7 countries, we find that 78% of people trusted the Covid vaccine. But this was lower in France (67%) and the US (71%). Respondents from Italy (85%) and the UK (85%) recorded the highest levels of trust. Those who believe their community is likely to be ignored by politicians are less likely to trust COVID-19 vaccines and are less likely to be vaccinated. Those who relied on social media as the primary source of COVID-19 news reported less trust in the vaccine and were less likely to be vaccinated. 78% of people trusted the Covid vaccine.

Our data suggests that people who have still not received any COVID-19 vaccination are becoming harder to reach and to persuade. This accounts for 13% of people - the vast majority of them did not want to receive the vaccine (87%), rather than it being difficult to access.  

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Hear more about our work on vaccine behaviour here


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Vaccines beliefs, mistrust, drivers of take up


Contact our expert

Dr Manu Savani Email Dr Manu Savani
Senior Lecturer in Behavioural Public Policy / ODA Member