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Editor Toolbar - What icons does it include?

Editor Toolbar - What icons does it include?


The WYSIWGY editor allows a developer to see what the end result will look like while the web page is being created. WYSIWYG is an acronym for "what you see is what you get". If you are familiar with Microsoft products you will see familiar options such as undo edit4 and redo edit5 , bold edit6, italic edit7, listings - ordered and unordered edit8, Aligning text edit9 and blockquotes edit10. These are the standard WYSIWGY items.


Adding Headings to your content

Headings can be applied either by

  • Selecting the text for a paragraph using the mouse as the selection tool, or
  • By clicking, and placing the cursor anywhere within a paragraph of text

The required heading can then be selected from the dropdown box located at the top of the workspace area.

Please note the following:

  • The dropdown area will display the next available heading for use, depending on the content already added to the page.
  • Headings should be added in the correct order to conform to Accessibility requirements.

Adding Styling to Text

If permitted by Administrators of your system, it is possible to add styling effects to text within the placeholder. Using styling, it is possible to easily change the following:

  • Colour of text e.g. red, green or blue
  • Font size e.g. 12pt, 1.2em
  • Font weight e.g. normal or bold
  • Position of text or other elements e.g. spacing of text - margins and padding

edit12Styles can easily be added to your content by first selecting the text that you wish to style (1) using the mouse or keyboard, and then selecting the required style from the dropdown selector. Clicking on a style option in the listing will then apply it (2).

Adding Symbols

edit13Symbols can easily be added to your content by clicking on theedit14 button on the toolbar. This will display a new window showing symbols.

When placing the cursor over a symbol, the display to the left of the screen will change to show a large version of the item and below that, a hexadecimal value for the symbol which can be used in HTML if required. Clicking on a symbol will insert it on to the page.

Removing Formatting from Content

edit15Select or click within the formatted area and then click on the 'Remove Formatting' button.